The calendar and omnipresent holiday music remind me that the year 2023 is quickly coming to a close. I find myself scratching my head and pondering, like my grandpa used to do, where did the time go?
People continue to visit the monuments in ever-increasing numbers. Over 10,000 kids visiting the Flagstaff Monuments became Junior Rangers. The Ranger Cabin at Walnut Canyon has now been fully furnished and will open to interpretive programs next summer. That’s just a few of the things that happened in the parks in 2023.

But for the Friends, the really big news is that a substantial anonymous donation was received to support and increase the involvement of NPS with the Roving Ranger Program. This seasonal program, begun over thirty years ago, is a partnership between the United States Forest Service (USFS) and the National Park Service (NPS) to provide interpretive programs in a variety of venues around Flagstaff.
Programs highlight the remarkable wealth of public lands in the Flagstaff area and the need for public support to provide stewardship for these natural and cultural resources. It is a program co-supervised by NPS and USFS staff, but in recent years strained budgets and staffing have made it difficult for NPS to fully engage. With this donation, staffing dedicated to the Roving Ranger program will be hired. This donation was pledged for the next ten years so that the participation of NPS in the program will continue to flourish.
Additionally, just a few more things coming in the new year…
The Cultural Demonstration Program in the three parks will return in early 2024. This has historically been an exciting way for artists with cultural ties to the monuments to display and sell their artwork while providing cultural exchange with visitors.
There has been approval for the rehabilitation of the Walnut Canyon Visitor Center. The process will update infrastructure and exhibits which are very dated. A time frame for this project will be announced as we get clarification.
Wupatki National Monument turns 100. The monument was designated by Presidential Proclamation on December 9, 1924. Stay tuned for special programs and observance of this milestone.
As we reflect on the past year consider an end-of-year donation to FOM so that we may continue our support of the parks.
On behalf of the Friends of Flagstaff National Monuments, I wish you all a Healthy and Happy New Year.
Mary Blasing
Chair, Friends of Flagstaff National Monuments