The tradition of reflecting over the past year as each one ends is a good one. It has been months since the wildfires swept through the San Francisco Peaks and into Sunset Crater. The Tunnel Fire burned in April causing damage and evacuating the staff at both Sunset Crater and Wupatki National Monument.
The heroic efforts of the fire crews, combined with mitigation efforts taken earlier by the NPS, saved the Sunset Crater Visitor Center, but much of the landscape was charred. The Pipeline Fire which followed burned hotter and faster but because of the Tunnel Fire, additional damage to the park was minimal.
The park was still closed for months. Chief of Interpretation, Richard Ullmann, said that over a quarter million dollars in fee revenue were lost because of the closure.

Despite the fires, visitation to the three national monuments continues to rise and the demands on staff to provide opportunities for public enjoyment while protecting the resources is at an all-time high. FOM has been in the background ready to help with money to fund interns that help keep visitor centers open and interpretive programs on the schedule, among other projects.
Local writer Rose Houk completed an artist-in-residence program at Wupakti which included two well-received writing workshops.
Artist Gwenn Waring also completed an artist-in-residence.
Superintendent Robin Martin came on board in May and has successfully balanced orientating herself to new challenges, managing chaos from the fires, and overseeing daily operations.
Changes also occurred with the FOM board. We welcomed new board member Don Howard, an educator and retired fire chief, and said goodbye to NPS retiree Judy Bishoff.

What does all this mean for the coming year? The Friends of Flagstaff National Monuments wants to continue its support of the intern program, artist-in-residence, and other outreach efforts that highlight the cultural and natural wonder of the three national monuments that grace the city of Flagstaff.
Your support is crucial. As the year ends, consider a donation to the Friends of Flagstaff National Monuments and stay tuned for updates on our partnership with Historic Brewing Company.
On behalf of the Friends of Flagstaff National Monuments, wishing you all a Healthy and Happy New Year.
Mary Blasing
Chair, Friends of Flagstaff National Monuments
All photos on this page are courtesy of NPS by Cullen Kirk