The Friends of Flagstaff National Monuments and Sunset Crater, Wupatki, and Walnut Canyon National Monuments are happy to welcome five new summer interns!
Thanks to the Friend’s support – and yours, the parks were able to hire the interns. Their enthusiasm and knowledge will provide much-needed assistance to park staff. Allow us to introduce them below.

Allison Boyer
My name is Allie, I am studying Parks and Recreation Management at NAU and I am graduating this May 2023. I have loved interning at Walnut Canyon not only because of the beautiful history of the park but the kind and dedicated individuals who work there. I have felt so validated that I am on the right career path for myself by participating in this internship, and that is priceless. My favorite part of this experience has been the opportunity to contribute my art to programs and diagrams at the park. I have been a painter/illustrator for 10 years now, and I never thought I would get to use this in my work. This has opened my mind to new career possibilities, and I can’t wait to get started!

Debbie Hancock
Hi, my name is Deborah and I am a senior at Northern Arizona University studying Parks and Recreation Management with an emphasis on Individualized Study. I enjoy hiking with my dog and camping with my cousins who also attend NAU. My expected graduation date is May 2023. My favorite experiences working at Walnut Canyon National Monument are working with junior rangers and getting real-life experience! This experience will help me in the future by having the qualifications and knowledge in the career field to get a job!

Tim Mooney
Hello, my name is Tim Mooney and I am a senior at Northern Arizona University. Originally from Phoenix, I have grown to enjoy the high-altitude climate of Flagstaff these past four years. I am studying parks and recreation management and expected to graduate in May 2023! Very exciting to announce that. Some core and very fun things I have taken away from this internship include the experience of working with the National Parks Service and understanding the “behind the scenes” of running one. As I visited countless parks, I finally get to see how to run and handle one. I appreciate this opportunity and would love to maybe further my career in this field in the near or far future. 🙂

Sarah Teague
I’m Sarah Teague, I’m studying Parks and Recreation Management at NAU, and I’m set to graduate in May. I’ve dreamed all my life of working with NPS, and this was my first time being able to do so. This was my first foray into interpretive services and I really loved sharing in visitors’ excitement about the monument. I also had an excellent time learning about the monument itself – this place is full of rich history, adorable fauna, and impressive ecotones.
I hope that in the future I can come back to NPS as a paid employee, and I would be so lucky to have a team that was even half as excellent as the Walnut Canyon team is.

Erika Tolson
Hey Howdy Hey! My name is Erika Tolson, I am an intern at Sunset Crater Volcano, finishing up my Bachelor of Science degree in Parks and Recreation Management, with an emphasis in Emergency Management. During my time at Sunset Crater Volcano, I have been able to put to practice the skills and passion I have for the outdoors and build meaningful relationships with the staff I work with. I have wanted to be a Park Ranger for many years and went to school with the dream of one day being a Ranger. Every day that I spend at Sunset Crater Volcano, that dream becomes more of a reality. I am filled with encouragement to be a Park Ranger by the team here and am confident that this experience will stand out as I apply for and accept future positions. I have gotten to share my excitement and unbridled enthusiasm for all things volcanoes, and interpretation. My favorite part of my day is every part, from the moment I walk into the visitor center, till I leave is always a fruitful time. I especially love talking with people who are just as excited to visit here, as I am to work here!
Again, thanks to all who support the Friends which helps us to support the parks in bringing in these wonderful interns. Next time you are in the parks, stop and say “hi” to them!